Meet our Team

  • Gregory Michener, Associate Professor FGV-EBAPE

    Michener has been professor at the FGV since 2012 where he began work on creating the Public Transparency Program in 2013. During the course of his Ph.D., which focused on explaining the relative strength of freedom of information (FOI) laws throughout Latin America, Michener played a role in the Brazilian movement for the creation of a national FOI law. At the same time, he helped the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro raise awareness and support for a tax transparency law. Both laws were ultimately enacted, the former in 2011 (12.527), and the latter in 2012 (12.741). His research focuses on the measurement, determinants, impacts, politics and policy commitments associated with transparency and FOI laws in Latin America. His research has been published in the Journal of Democracy,Governance, Public Administration Review, and World Development, among others. For more information, please visit his FGV academic profile or his personal website.

  • Evelyn Contreras, Researcher

    Evelyn Contreras is a Bachelor in Economics & Engineering, having graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería de Perú. She has 6 years of professional experience, working mostly as a strategic planning consultant for private and public sector institutions in Peru, such as the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, the Ministry of Education, the Supervising Body for Investment in Energy and Mining, the Supervising Organ for Investment in Telecommunications, and the mining companies Xstrata-Tintaya, Anglo American Quellaveco, and Lumina Copper, among others. Currently she is pursuing a Masters’ degree in Administration, specializing in government at FGV-EBAPE.

  • Natalia Rodrigues, Researcher

    Natalia Ferreira Rodrigues has been a National Treasury Attorney for 16 years, having worked on activities related to the collection of the Union's Active Debt, and for the last 7 years, managing the Union's Active Debt and the FGTS. She is a PhD candidate in Administration at FGV-EBAPE, holds a master's degree in Public Administration from FGV-EBAPE, sponsored by PGFN/FGTS, and a law degree from UERJ. Her research agenda involves the transparency of tax expenditures and fiscal benefits, especially those related to the public policy of fiscal recovery (Refis).

  • Rafael Felizardo, Researcher

    Rafael Felizardo Ferreira is a master's student in Regulatory Law at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and a Law degree from the Dom Hélder Câmara Superior School (ESDHC). His research interests focus on the relationship between control institutions and public administration as well as the application of empirical methodologies in legal studies.

  • Tássia Cruz, Researcher

    Tassia Cruz is a professor at FGV EPPG and is an executive manager of the Center of Excellence and Innovation in Educational Policies (FGV EBAPE).  Tassia holds a Ph.D. in Economics of Education from the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, a Master's Degree in Economics from Stanford, and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Her research concentrates on education policy in Brazil, particularly on education finance, teacher labor markets, technology in education, and impact evaluations to improve pedagogical practices and student learning.